WE DON'T HAVE EYES. THAT WHAT WE CALL EYES ARE SCANNERS OR CAMERAS OF REFLECTED LIGHT WAVES (PHOTON) THAT FEED DATA TO THE WIRELESS BRAIN-MIND-ANTENNA. AND LIGHT MAY NOT EVEN EXIST.Everything written, seen , heard/said AND SPOKEN is fictious, manipulative, illusion and mind control by the evil. You are the driver of a vehicle (body). This vehicle cannot see. You (Soul, 3rd eye) can see.

We are the result of the most advanced technology, yet, we may never have access to this advanced technology running on a 2-Strand DNA. Every being has the right to break the limitations of this genetic code. Try looking inside, because there is nothing outside.

Friday, November 23, 2018


According to a New Theory, People With RH-Negative Blood Don’t Come From Earth

There has been many theories that revolve around the Rh- negative blood type, but could the idea that ET’s have a hand in this gene hold true?
So, being that I myself, is someone who has RH negative blood, whenever I see something posted about how people with this blood type are alien, from another planet or are part of a special blood type I have been intrigued to learn more. I mean, I already know that I’m special, but is there some actual evidence to prove this? If so, I’ll take it.
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You may have heard of the theories that those with Rh-negative blood actually have a kind of alien DNA. These theories exist because it is very difficult to explain why around 15% of the population have this type of blood. One factor worth considering is that monkeys – even though we apparently came from the same ancestor – do not have Rh-negative blood. All monkeys are Rh-positive, which I guess means that monkeys are not aliens, and potentially that we aren’t related to them after all? If we were, wouldn’t they carry the same blood type as us? The highest grouping of people who have Rh-negative blood live in the Basque area of Spain and around 30% of this population is Rh- negative.

A Woman With Rh-Negative Can’t Have An Rh-Positive Baby – Without Medical Assistance

Interestingly, if a woman who is Rh-negative is pregnant with a baby who is Rh-positive, her body may recognize this child as a foreign being and develop antibodies to attack it because Rh-positive and negative blood do not mix. Luckily with the assistance of modern medicine, there is a treatment that the mothers can have to prevent this from happening.
Those with Rh-negative blood also potentially have an ability to withstand or resist certain diseases, one in particular is a parasite called Toxoplasma. This can invade the body and damage the brain, especially in babies.

So, Where Did The Alien Idea Come From?

The most likely reason for this idea comes from the fact that it’s such a small percentage of the population and that the Rh-negative blood typed woman would terminate the pregnancy of an Rh-positive baby. Perhaps this human is not meant to procreate with the other type of human? Who really knows, but there are all sorts of fun theories floating around the internet, but as with many other things of this nature there is no real way to prove these theories.
A theory presented on Ancient-Origins suggests that the Rh-negative gene represents a completely separate branch of humanity that interbred with the “original” branch that came out of Africa, this theory also suggests that those with the Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which is believed to be the real, original human race. Those who believe this idea also believe that this race was blonde-haired and blue-eyed – yes, this is similar to the belief of Hitler who believed that the Arian race, also blonde-haired and blue-eyed, was the superior and supreme human race. Some followers of this theory also believe that this race includes most spiritual teachers, including the fairly well known, Mr. Jesus Christ.
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Some other theories floating around there suggest that this trait originates from extraterrestrials either interbreeding with humans or creating humans through genetic engineering of multiple species. Yes these theories are pretty far out, but there is so much missing information when it comes to the true origins of our species in the first place, so why not entertain the idea of what is possible? For all we know, we might all come from another planet. The truth is, we don’t know for an absolute fact of almost anything, so we might as well keep an open mind. You know the moment you think you have it all figured out is the exact moment you should take a step back and realize that you in fact know nothing at all. That is one of my favourite sayings!
So, what do you think? Have you heard any far out theories of the answer to the Rh-negative mystery? Let us know!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Il Fattore Rh Negativo, Mutazione Spontanea O Ibridazione Aliena? Retemedia 17 Giugno 2018 0

Il Fattore Rh Negativo, Mutazione Spontanea O Ibridazione Aliena?

di Oliver Melis
Se avete il sangue Rh negativo, secondo una teoria della cospirazione siete in parte alieni. Navigando su Google troverete un sacco di siti pseudoscientifici che affermano l’origine extraterrestre di questa particolare categoria di esseri umani.
Ovviamente la storia è solo una balla che spesso e volentieri viene riproposta dai soliti siti sensazionalistici e acchiappa click.
Secondo questa teria, i gruppi sanguigni caratterizzati dal raro fattore rh- sarebbe causato da geni non umani incorporati nel DNA. Il ricercatore Robert Spehar si sarebbe spinto oltre fornendoci ulteriori indicazioni circa l’enigmatico fattore Rh negativoaffermando che: “Ci sono 612 specie di primati e sottospecie riconosciute dal IUCN e non hanno sangue RH negativo”. Secondo Spehar, se l’umanità si fosse evoluta dal medesimo antenato africano, il loro sangue sarebbe compatibile, ma non è così, ci sono varie possibili combinazioni di compatibilità del sangue dell’essere umano (vedi tabella). Esistono vari tipi di sangue, i più comuni sono: 0+ (38%), A+ (34%) e B+ (9%), i più rari sono: AB- (1%), B- (2%), AB+ (3%). Da notare che l’84% di tutti gli esseri umani hanno sangue RH positivo, ma, stranamente, secondo i complottisti, tutte le famiglie reali o di potere hanno sangue RH negativo. Ma sarà proprio cosi?
I gruppi sanguigni
I gruppi sanguigni sono quattro, chiamati A, B, AB e 0. Ognuno di essi si distingue dall’altro per la presenza o assenza di molecole dette antigeni, presenti sulla superficie dei globuli rossi.
Gruppo sanguigno A: la superficie dei globuli rossi presenta una sostanza chiamata antigene A, e quindi sono presenti gli anticorpi B.
Gruppo sanguigno B: la superficie dei globuli rossi presenta una sostanza chiamata antigene B, e quindi sono presenti gli anticorpi A.
Gruppo sanguigno AB: la superficie dei globuli rossi presenta sia l’antigene A che l’antigene B, e quindi non vi sono anticorpi. E’ il ricevente universale.
Gruppo sanguigno 0: la superficie dei globuli rossi non presenta né l’antigene A né l’antigene B. Può donare il sangue a tutti, ma non può riceverlo da nessuno, solo dal suo stesso gruppo sanguigno.
Cos’è il fattore Rh?
Il fattore RH è una molecola proteica che si posiziona accanto all’antigene ed è dovuto alla presenza di una proteina che si trova sulla superficie dei globuli rossi. Chi ha il fattore RH, viene detto Rh positivo, chi non lo ha, viene detto Rh negativo. Se ad esempio una persona ha un gruppo sanguigno A+ riceve da A+ e da A-. Se invece il ricevente è A- non può ricevere sangue da chi possiede il fattore RH+, perché non avendo il fattore RH questo verrebbe attaccato dal sistema immunitario come se fosse un fattore estraneo. Persone con fattore rh- possono ricevere trasfusioni di sangue solo da persone con fattore rh-.
Il fenotipo Rh negativo è una mutazione divenuta nel corso dei millenni che è diventata sufficientemente comune da essere considerata un tratto caratteristico, ma se ognuna di queste mutazioni fosse dovuta ad una ibridazione prorammata dagli alieni, con tutti i sistemi che esistono per classificare il gruppo sanguigno avremmo dovuto avere decine di visite ed ibridazioni aliene e soprattutto fatte da alieni compatibili con la nostra specie, fattore da escludere se consideriamo anche solo la differenza genetica degli esseri che abitano la Terra che pure hanno un antenato comune.
Insomma, l’implicazione sottintesa dall’ipotesi di complotto è che gli alieni abbiano creato una specie ibrida umano-alieno per controllare l’umanità, non a caso tutte le famiglie reali ed quelle dei potenti della Terra avrebbero fattore rh-. Purtroppo non esiste evidenza di questa ipotesi che resta quindi campata in aria.
Insomma, tanto per cambiare, la scienza propone una spiegazione lineare causata dall’evoluzione ad un qualcosa che i ragionamenti pseudoscientifici dei complottisti attribuiscono all’interbento, effettuato in un remoto passato, di entità aliene inspiegabilmente interessate ad effettuare esperimenti genetici sigli esseri umani. Entità aliene poi inspiegabilmente sparite.

CONSCIOUSNESS IS HEIGHTENED BY GOOD ELECTRO-MAGNETIC BLOOD CONNECTIVITY:Blood type Rh negative and Alien DNA: An otherworldly lineage of a species with amnesia?

Blood type Rh negative and Alien DNA: An otherworldly lineage of a species with amnesia? Ancient Code by Ancient Code

Much has been said about Rh negative blood and theories which suggest, there is an enigmatic truth sealed away from public knowledge linking humans with Rh-negative blood to otherworldly origins.


“Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?” –  Carl Jung
Humans have four general blood types: A, B, AB, and O; a classification derived from proteins found on the surface of cells which are basically designed to wage war against bacteria and viruses in the human body.
Whether Rh-negative blood is just a mutation or not is something that has caused debate among researchers. If it were a mutation, then why is it that people who possess Rh negative blood are known for having extra vertebrae? This, just as the blood type, is explained scientifically as being a ‘mutation’.
However, according to modern DNA sequencing, it is demonstrated that humanity as we know it, isn’t just ONE single ‘race’ that descended from the same ancestor in Africa, but a hybridized species, with a far more enigmatic truth behind it all.

Many questions have been raised in the discussion about Rh negative blood. If mankind did, in fact, evolve from a mutual ancient African ancestor, theories state that everyone’s blood would be compatible, but regrettably, this is not the case. This raises numerous questions that science alone has not been able to fully answer. Where did Rh-negative blood come from? And why is it that a Rh-negative mother carrying Rh positive children tries rejecting her own offspring? Is it possible that this can be explained by a rather controversial theory? A theory which suggests that humanity isn’t in fact one race, but a hybridized species.
The book was written by Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History tells us more about the enigmatic blood type Rh-negative. Not only does Species with Amnesia suggest mankind is, in fact, a hybridized species, the author suggests that highly advanced civilizations have been on Earth before us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophe, as mysteriously, history tells us.

Sepehr argues that for each race that has died out, another has taken its place, with a selected few holding on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past race. In our vanity, we think we have discovered some of the great truths of science and technology, but we are in fact only just beginning to rediscover the profound wisdom of past civilizations. In many ways, we are like an awakening Species with Amnesia, yearning to reclaim our forgotten past. –
The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh-negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene.
“There are 612 primate species and subspecies recognized by the International Union for Conversation of Nature (IUCN), and not one has Rh-negative blood”. – Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History
Rh factors or ‘Rhesus factor’ was first discovered in the blood of Rhesus monkey. According to Sepehr, if mankind evolved from the same African ancestor their blood would be compatible, but it is not. Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood, yet ALL royal families have Rh-negative blood.
It seems that science cannot answer the question: Where did the Rh negatives come from? Are we, in fact, a species with amnesia? And is it possible that the truth behind our origins is far more enigmatic than what we think?
Many believe that Rh negative blood would be the legacy that the Anunnaki left on Earth among other things.

Interestingly, the negative RH strain is characteristic, for example, of the British royal family, which has generated controversial theories about a possible extraterrestrial lineage. although this hypothesis has not been confirmed, the disturbing questions it generates floats in the air: how civilized world would react to the fact that a small portion of the Earth’s population has a genetic code that has been altered in the distant past by highly advanced extraterrestrial beings.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hannity: Blowing the Bruce Ohr case wide open



According to a New Theory, People With RH-Negative Blood Don’t Come From Earth

Collective Evolution

According to a New Theory, People With RH-Negative Blood Don’t Come From Earth There has been many theories that revolve around the Rh- negative blood type, but could the idea that ET’s have a hand in this gene hold true? Published 7 months ago on February 8, 2018 By Alanna Ketle

According to a New Theory, People With RH-Negative Blood Don’t Come From Earth

There has been many theories that revolve around the Rh- negative blood type, but could the idea that ET’s have a hand in this gene hold true?
So, being that I myself, is someone who has RH negative blood, whenever I see something posted about how people with this blood type are alien, from another planet or are part of a special blood type I have been intrigued to learn more. I mean, I already know that I’m special, but is there some actual evidence to prove this? If so, I’ll take it.
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You may have heard of the theories that those with Rh-negative blood actually have a kind of alien DNA. These theories exist because it is very difficult to explain why around 15% of the population have this type of blood. One factor worth considering is that monkeys – even though we apparently came from the same ancestor – do not have Rh-negative blood. All monkeys are Rh-positive, which I guess means that monkeys are not aliens, and potentially that we aren’t related to them after all? If we were, wouldn’t they carry the same blood type as us? The highest grouping of people who have Rh-negative blood live in the Basque area of Spain and around 30% of this population is Rh- negative.

A Woman With Rh-Negative Can’t Have An Rh-Positive Baby – Without Medical Assistance

Interestingly, if a woman who is Rh-negative is pregnant with a baby who is Rh-positive, her body may recognize this child as a foreign being and develop antibodies to attack it because Rh-positive and negative blood do not mix. Luckily with the assistance of modern medicine, there is a treatment that the mothers can have to prevent this from happening.
Those with Rh-negative blood also potentially have an ability to withstand or resist certain diseases, one in particular is a parasite called Toxoplasma. This can invade the body and damage the brain, especially in babies.

So, Where Did The Alien Idea Come From?

The most likely reason for this idea comes from the fact that it’s such a small percentage of the population and that the Rh-negative blood typed woman would terminate the pregnancy of an Rh-positive baby. Perhaps this human is not meant to procreate with the other type of human? Who really knows, but there are all sorts of fun theories floating around the internet, but as with many other things of this nature there is no real way to prove these theories.
A theory presented on Ancient-Origins suggests that the Rh-negative gene represents a completely separate branch of humanity that interbred with the “original” branch that came out of Africa, this theory also suggests that those with the Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which is believed to be the real, original human race. Those who believe this idea also believe that this race was blonde-haired and blue-eyed – yes, this is similar to the belief of Hitler who believed that the Arian race, also blonde-haired and blue-eyed, was the superior and supreme human race. Some followers of this theory also believe that this race includes most spiritual teachers, including the fairly well known, Mr. Jesus Christ.
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Some other theories floating around there suggest that this trait originates from extraterrestrials either interbreeding with humans or creating humans through genetic engineering of multiple species. Yes these theories are pretty far out, but there is so much missing information when it comes to the true origins of our species in the first place, so why not entertain the idea of what is possible? For all we know, we might all come from another planet. The truth is, we don’t know for an absolute fact of almost anything, so we might as well keep an open mind. You know the moment you think you have it all figured out is the exact moment you should take a step back and realize that you in fact know nothing at all. That is one of my favourite sayings!
So, what do you think? Have you heard any far out theories of the answer to the Rh-negative mystery? Let us know!

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We interviewed Franco DeNicola about what is happening with the shift in consciousness. It turned out to be one of the deepest and most important information we pulled out within an interview.
We explored why things are moving a little more slowly with the shift at times, what is stopping certain solutions from coming forward and the important role we all play.